
Manage your product development with agility.

Project management

Our project management capabilities are the result of over thirty years experience in product creation

Creating a new product is both a rewarding and demanding process, requiring skilful coordination of resources. Bold ideas come to fruition through the coordinated efforts of all stakeholders. Our team can advise you on how to plan a development schedule in line with your objectives.

We help you stay on schedule and on budget by providing constant, flexible monitoring of all phases of product development. The project manager is with you every step of the way to ensure your project’s success.

The product development process involves 4 chronological phases structured according to a “gate approach”, which we link to your internal milestones. Within these phases, we use the tools of industrial design to introduce an agile methodology based on learning by doing, through prototyping, imaging and simulation. In other words, it’s a hybrid process combining “waterfall” and “agile” approaches. At the start of each phase, we establish the activities and deliverables required to ensure that the project runs smoothly and moves on to the next stage.

Project management includes:

  • Integrated management system
  • Scope definition
  • Project governance (RASCI, SPOC)
  • Schedule and budget tracking (detailed Gantt)

Integrated management system

When our customers start a project, a product development plan is integrated directly into the Deltek Vision ERP tool in the form of a Gantt chart. This development plan integrates all project tasks, their duration and their relationship to each other over time (dependencies).

Planned resources and efforts are allocated to the project. In this way, it is possible to see in real time invested effort (Job to date), remaining planned effort (Estimate to Complete), as well as the total estimated effort (Estimate at completion).

The project manager is responsible for creating and maintaining this development plan for each project, ensuring that it complies with the mandate described in the service offer signed by the customer. Subsequently, he/she monitors the plan with the team and adjusts the strategy according to the challenges and opportunities that arise.

Scope definition

In the case of front-end innovation projects, the team helps the customer define a product development mandate tailored to the needs and context of the project. This involves identifying in a structured document the product scope, project scope, key criteria and requirements, risks and critical milestones. This exercise is often part of a strategy phase.

Project governance

Project governance is established by identifying the roles and responsibilities of all project stakeholders (RASCI), designating points of contact for each partner (SPOC), and setting up a structure of recurring planning meetings and design or technical work meetings. We also establish a flow chart to manage decision-making processes between the design, technical and project teams.

Project tracking

For each project, we prepare a Gantt project plan according to our product development process. This plan is also adapted to the customer’s master plan or to the critical milestones of the overall project. The project manager coordinates teams in executing the plan and leads strategy adjustments in the event of unforeseen circumstances or the discovery of opportunities (pivots). Finally, he/she ensures follow-up via weekly progress reports and meeting minutes.


From mandate definition to project governance, our management capabilities cover all aspects needed to achieve your product development objectives. Let us manage your projects to realize your ambitions within your constraints.